Since it's inception in 1960, the Mission of the International Armed Forces Council (IAFC) has been to foster a sense of fraternity among the Officers of allied nations, preserve and pass on the traditions of the services, and to honor the memories of our fallen comrades.

The International Armed Forces Council is a totally non-profit organization supported only by the efforts and contributions of it's members and participants.  You will find no advertising or sales in this site, other than for tickets to our annual event.  Ticket costs for this event are evaluated by the council annually to ensure they are set to only cover the cost of the event and related administrative expenses.  The council has no paid employees, and relies on the volunteer efforts of it's membership.  

The IAFC promotes fraternity by hosting formal dining in (past), and dining out (current) events which focus on the traditions of the services, and provide prominent speakers to address the issues concerning the military today.  These events also provide an opportunity to learn the customs of allied services and to create social bonds of friendship.  At each of these events, participants are reminded of the sacrifices made by our comrades and asked to honor their memory in a formal ceremony.  

Whenever possible, the IAFC helps facilitate partnerships, joint training exercises and cooperation between the Armed Forces of its members. The IAFC also hosts educational outings designed to connect participants with the history, traditions and current condition of their Armed Forces.    

The activities of the IAFC are a catalyst which helps to connect the sacrifices, traditions and accomplishments of the past, with the missions and priorities of both the present, and future. 

Fraternity - Tradition - Remembrance